John was born in Massachusetts and Krista was born in California.  They were born exactly 2 weeks apart and 20 years later they met in the middle and so begins an incredibly romantic journey!
John is the Director of Security of a juvenile prison

and he also is a referee

Both are very demanding jobs, but he does so well!  The best job of all he does is being an incredible father and husband!  He is truly a knight in shining armor!

He enjoys spending time with his family doing things such as camping & other outdoor activities.  He likes to do weight lifting and can currently bench press 400lbs!  One day he plans to own an R.V. and take us all over the nation.  He also is very into healthy eating and natural healing.  His favorite expert is
Dr. Colbert.  John also is a Jr. High Youth leader with Krista and loves to be involved with their church.

Krista is a busy lady!  She is a mom of 4 kids for one, she is a High School Theater Arts Teacher, Goes to college part-time and is also involved in community theater.  She will be in "The Music Man" July 2005!

She also loves inspiring others with her weight loss ministry
She has lost 70lbs & has an awesome testimony!

She is very into Tae bo which has been one of the keys in her weight loss.