Birth Story

It just feels like a dream that she is here! We went to the hospital at 6:00am and they gave me an IV with penicillin (in case I had Strep B), but it burned my hand so bad  that they switched me to something else. They also put a pill in my cervix to soften it more. At 12:00, I was still 3cm, but was 70% effaced and so the doctor gave me my epidural.  I was so happy to have a doctor that listened to me regarding fast births and allowed me to have one early on! They had to insert it 3 times and that was painful, but worth it in the end! Then they broke my water.

My contractions came so close on their own they didn't attempt the pitocin to induce labor. At 3:00pm, I was 5cm and contractions were good, but irregular. So they gave me the lowest dose of pitocin and in 40 minutes I went to 9cm! Thank the Lord for epidurals! It was hurting, but I was imaging how bad it would be if I didn't have the epidural! I started to panic a bit when it was time to push (had to hold it till doctor came) because the pressure was so enormous, but once the doctor got there, my confidence was greater!  Andreana was in there too! They gave us permission, so that helped me maintain control too for her sake! Anyway, I pushed her head in two pushes and her hand was out above her head!  I had just commented how it felt like she was going to stick her hand out and wave to me and sure enough she did! Then the doctor just pulled the rest of her out! I was sitting there waiting for them to say push again to get her shoulders out, and wala, she was there! The funniest part is she peed on the doctor while he was clearing her nose and mouth! Andreana was so excited and totally loved the whole experience. She is so addicted to her sister that I am having a hard time getting my chance to hold her!  I only had 1 small stitch which was another blessing.  The doctor said he wished all the births were this easy!

My blood pressure NEVER rose up and my health has been excellent!  The pre-eclampsia never returned!   Juliana is so healthy that I am having a hard time believing she is 3 weeks early.  In reality though, I probably would of had her on the 8th anyway since I went into active labor on my own.  We were able to go home before she was even 24 hours old because she passed everything with flying colors!  Her Apgars were 9 and 10!

She is SO beautiful, perfect skin, no blemishes, gorgeous soft hair, her eyes have been open since she was born and she has been awake a lot! She even lifted her head twice the first day! She really seems to favor her mommy right now, has her hands, feet and nose, but of course it is too early to tell. She is nursing so well and we are having no problems whatsoever.  She is a good burper too, gets that from her dad ;o).

It has just been such a blessed experience and I am still in shock my sweetie is here!  It makes such a difference when you let God have control of things.  My other pregnancies and births were so complicated, but this one, that I finally gave to the Lord, went perfectly.  I am recovering very well and have no problems at all.  I am actually enjoying being up at night with her.  I am finding that I am much more patient this time around.

John Henry is so fascinated with her, but keeps his distance as he is afraid she is too delicate to touch.  He comes up and admires her all the time.  Josh is so in love with her and constantly comes and gives her kisses on the head and wants to love and cuddle her.   We are doing very well at balancing the attention so nobody feels jealous.  It helps that the three older kids will start school in 2 weeks.

We are just so full of joy at our new addition and our completed family!  We have always desired a big family and are so thankful God has blessed us with such healthy and beautiful children!